Legal Notices - La Loutre


This online store was created and designed by La Loutre.




The site is protected by intellectual property. Its content (articles, trademarks, logos, images, etc. and in general all the data on this site) and its tree structure are protected in accordance with the legislation in force in France, in particular with regard to copyright, rights neighbours, database law and trademark law.

Any representation or reproduction by any process whatsoever, without the prior agreement of La Loutre, therefore constitutes an act of infringement punishable and punishable by the provisions of articles L.335-2° , L.335-3°, L. 335-4°, L.342-1° and L.716-9° and the Intellectual Property Code.

The entire textual and graphic content (logo, pictograms, images, p photos, etc.) belongs to the company La Loutre and may not be used or reproduced - even partially - under penalty of prosecution.


It is recalled that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet network and that it is up to each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from the contamination of possible viruses circulating on the Internet.


All the information in your account is only used within the framework of your commercial relationship with www This information is never shared with third parties or resold. In accordance with the provisions of law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the site has been declared to the CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés), under number .... (awaiting a response from the CNIL)


The data controller is Benjamin WEPPE. The data collected is only used for the management of customer orders and the sending of newsletters (newsletter). You can access and rectify the information concerning you via our contact form accessible here</a >.

La Loutre undertakes to take all necessary precautions to protect the personal data processed by its services, and in particular to respect its collection and to prevent it from being distorted , damaged or communicated to unauthorized third parties.

In accordance with the legislation in force, the natural person whose data is recorded and processed by La Loutre has a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of personal data concerning it.


Company name: SARL La Loutre
Legal form: SARL with share capital of €1000
Address: 3 rue du de La Poste 56340 - Plouharnel
SIRET: 828 740 647 00023 TV number A intracommunity: FR15828740647


BEARSTECH is a cooperative and participative company operated in the form of a limited liability company, with a capital of 5000 euros.
RCS PARIS 479 227 993 00033.
Intra-community VAT number: FR43479227993.
Headquarters: 40, passage des Panoramas 75002 Paris


The General Data Protection Regulation is a set of laws put in place by the European Commission from May 25, 2018 for all companies that have a commercial activity (but only...) in Europe. As you know, La Loutre is French, so it concerns her and you too!


To prevent leaks or misuse of data personal, it is mandatory for all companies to inform visitors of the use and processing of their data.
As an online business, we collect data about you (and yeah... but not a lot we can reassure you) and work with service providers / suppliers who therefore have access to a part of this data. This information is very useful to offer you a pleasant journey on our site and to guarantee the fastest possible management of your orders.

Say like that, it may scare you a little... so we're really going to explain everything to you and hide nothing from you.


Our website is hosted exclusively by Bearstech, in Paris (no one is perfect ;) ).
These servers host our database, essential for the proper functioning of our website, but also the information of our customer accounts. This data allows you to access your order history. You can at any time ask us to delete this data via our contact form .


Well not even... first we find it immoral, and then personally we would not like our personal data to be sold to companies, so why do it to you? The (meager) data we collect will never be given, rented, sold or exchanged to another species, or even to another otter!


Not even... Your personal passwords are stored in ultra-stealth mode, we call it "encrypted". So they are safe.


Honestly, here we are at the "state secret" level of data encryption. For all your credit card payments, we work with BNP Paribas. Know that in addition to offering us a magnificent tennis tournament, the BNP is a leader in securing personal data. All CB data exchanges are managed by BNP's Mercanet service.
Rest assured, we never have access to your credit card number.


Well not much after all...

For your order and when you create your account customer on, we only record your email, surname and first name, postal address (invoicing & delivery) and your telephone number to ensure the proper receipt of your order. We also ask you for your date of birth to send you small gifts as part of an order on your birthday... We promise we don't look at the year of birth!

This data are transmitted to our logistician as well as to the various service providers in charge of the manufacture (in the case of tote-bags and other textile products) and delivery of your package. These people have no right (or desire) to use your data for anything other than their main mission.

As regards the newsletter, we send a newsletter to the cubs who have chosen to receive it (registration when creating a customer account or as than guest). Know that you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the small link at the bottom of the page of this newsletter. You can also do it in your customer area.


First of all know that we would be really sad to see you leave... if we swear to you!

But hey, if we really can't hold you back, just write to us at specifying your request.
You can also delete most of your information directly in your customer area on our site.


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What is a cookie ? Why do we use cookies ? Paramétrage de votre navigateur pour bloquer les cookies What is a cookie ?

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Why do we use cookies ?

We use 3 categories of cookies whose purposes are described below -after:

Cookies audience measurement:
These cookies collect information on how Internet users use our websites. For example, the number of visits, the most visited pages, the most viewed news or events. They allow us to adapt the ergonomics of the site to facilitate your navigation. We use Google Analytics. The lifetime of the cookie is 6 months. The data collected is anonymous and does not allow La Loutre to identify an individual.

Social media cookies:
Our sites contain sharing links to social networks, including Facebook, which allow you to share content from our site with other people. When you use these share buttons, a third-party cookie is installed. If you are connected to the social network while browsing our site, the sharing buttons allow you to link the content consulted to your user account.

More information on cookies placed by Facebook< /a>

Third-party cookies:
La Loutre may use third-party services that may place cookies on your terminal (Ex: YouTube for videos, Instagram for sharing an image, etc.) and the use of cookies by third parties, are subject to the "cookie" policies of these third parties. These cookies allow the proper functioning of these applications on the site.

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Plus d'information sur les cookies sur le site de la CNIL



These conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by the company La Loutre at share capital of €1,000 whose head office is located at 3 rue de la poste - 56340 Plouharnel, registered in the Rennes Trade and Companies Register under number 828 740 647 hereinafter referred to as "La Loutre" and managing the site www. and, on the other hand, by any natural or legal person wishing to make a purchase via the website hereinafter referred to as "the buyer".


These conditions of sale aim to define the contractual relationship between La Loutre and the buyer and the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the website www. The acquisition of a product through this site implies unreserved acceptance by the buyer of these conditions of sale, which the buyer acknowledges having read prior to his order. Before any transaction, the buyer declares on the one hand that the purchase of products on the site is not directly related to his professional activity and is limited to strictly personal use and on the other hand to have full legal capacity, allowing it to engage under these general conditions of sale.

The company La Loutre retains the possibility of modifying these conditions of sale at any time, in order to comply with any new regulations or in order to improve the use of its site. . Therefore, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the buyer.


The products offered are those which appear on the website of the company La Loutre, within the limits of available stocks. La Loutre reserves the right to modify the range of products at any time. Each product is presented on the website in the form of a description containing its main technical characteristics. The photographs are as accurate as possible but do not bind the Seller in any way. The sale of the products presented on the site is intended for all buyers residing in countries which fully authorize the entry into their territory of these products.


The prices appearing on the product sheets of the internet catalog are prices in Euros (€) all taxes included (TTC) taking into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order. Any change in the VAT rate may be passed on to the price of the products. The company La Loutre reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood, however, that the price appearing in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the buyer. The prices indicated do not include delivery costs, invoiced in addition to the price of the products purchased according to the total amount of the order. In mainland France, for any order greater than or equal to 50 euros including tax, shipping costs are free; for any order less than 50 euros including tax, a flat rate contribution to shipping costs will be invoiced to the buyer in the amount of 4.90 euros including tax for Mondial Relay.


Before placing any order, the buyer must create an account on the website. The account creation section is accessible directly from the side menu bar. At each visit, the buyer, if he wishes to order or consult his account (order status, profile, etc.), must identify himself using this information. The company La Loutre offers the buyer to order and pay for his products in several stages, with 2 payment options to choose from:

- Payment by bank transfer: the buyer selects the products he wishes to order in the "basket", modifies if necessary (quantities, references, etc.), checks the delivery address or enters a new one. Then, the shipping costs are calculated and submitted to the buyer, as well as the name of the carrier. Then, the buyer chooses the method of payment of his choice: "Payment by bank transfer". Finally, the last step offers him to check all the information, read and accept these general conditions of sale by ticking the corresponding box, then invites him to validate his order by clicking on the button “Confirm my order”. This last click forms the final conclusion of the contract. Upon validation, the buyer receives an order form confirming the registration of his order. In order to finalize his payment and trigger the processing of his order, the buyer must contact his bank in order to make the transfer corresponding to the amount of his order to the bank account of La Loutre, the details of which are communicated to the buyer. Upon receipt of the transfer, the order will be processed and the buyer will be informed by e-mail. La Loutre will ship the products at the earliest 2 working days after receipt of the transfer corresponding to the order, subject to provisions.

- Secure payment by Paypal or credit card ( via the PAYPAL system): the buyer selects the products he wishes to order in the "basket", modifies if necessary (quantities, references, etc.), checks the delivery address or enters a new one. Then, the shipping costs are calculated and submitted to the buyer, as well as the name of the carrier. Then, the buyer chooses the method of payment of his choice: "Payment by Paypal". The next step offers him to check all the information, read and accept these general conditions of sale by ticking the corresponding box, then invites him to validate his order by clicking on the "Confirm my order" button. Finally, the buyer is redirected to the secure PAYPAL interface in order to securely inform his Paypal account references or personal credit card. If the payment is accepted, the order is recorded and the contract definitively formed. Payment by Paypal account or credit card is irrevocable. In case of fraudulent use of it, the buyer may demand the cancellation of the payment by card, the sums paid will then be credited or returned. The responsibility of the holder of a credit card is not engaged if the disputed payment has been proven to have been made fraudulently, remotely, without physical use of his card. To obtain reimbursement of the fraudulent debit and any bank charges that the transaction may have generated, the cardholder must contest, in writing, the direct debit from his bank, within 70 days following the transaction, or even 120 days if the contract binding him to the latter so provides. The amounts withdrawn are reimbursed by the bank within a maximum period of one month after receipt of the written dispute formed by the cardholder. No cost of restitution of the sums can be charged to the holder.

Confirmation of an order entails acceptance of these conditions of sale, acknowledgment of having perfect knowledge and the renunciation to take advantage of its own conditions of purchase. All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will constitute proof of the transaction. If the buyer has an e-mail address and if he has entered it on his order form, the company La Loutre will send him by e-mail confirmation of the registration of his order.

If the buyer wishes to contact La Loutre, he can do so either by post to the following address: 6 rue du tramway - 56340 Plouharnel; either by email at the following address: or by telephone at


The company La Loutre retains full ownership of the products sold until full payment of the price, in principal, costs and taxes included.


Under article L121-20 of the Consumer Code, the buyer has a period of fourteen working days from the delivery. In the event of damage during transport, any protest must be made to the carrier within three days of delivery.


All the products supplied by the company La Loutre benefit from the legal guarantee provided for by articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code. In the event of non-compliance of a product sold, it may be returned to the company La Loutre who will take it back, exchange it or refund it. All complaints, requests for exchange or refund must be made by email to the following address:


The company La Loutre, in the process of distance selling, is bound only by an obligation of means. It cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, interruption of service, or other involuntary problems.


All elements of the website are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of La Loutre. No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site whether in the form of a photo, logo, visual or text.


The company La Loutre undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of the information provided by the buyer, which he would have to transmit for the use of certain services. Any information concerning him is subject to the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978. As such, the Internet user has a right to access, modify and delete information concerning him. He can make the request at any time by email to the following address:


These distance selling conditions are subject to French law. For all disputes or disputes, the competent Court will be that of Rennes.

Congratulations to you if you have reached the end... you can now order with confidence! :)

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