Brittany Calendar 2


Brittany perpetual Calendar - New Cities !

Check out our new 12 designs of cities in Brittany for this perpetual calendar.
Great calendar to write down all your important date, it nevers gets outdated, you can use it over the years.

12 cities designed : Ouessant, Finistere, Brestigieuse, Morlaix, Concarneau, Crozon, Rennes-Mère, Saint-Lunaire, Saint Briac, Perros, Saint-Quay, Saint Cast

South West Calendar


The South West Perpetual Calendar

12 months means 12 cities illustrated.
Great thing is this calendar can be used through the years as it is perpetual. The perfect gift to write down brithdays and other important dates you want to never forget !

Cities illustrated are Bayonne, Dax, Albi, Mont-de-Marsan, Biarritz, Biscarosse, Toulouse, Perpignan, Arcachon, Bordeaux, Pilat and Périgueux.

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Brittany Calendar


Illustrated perpetual calendar with Brittany cities

Great news, you've got 12 months, so 12 cities illustrated.
This perpetual calendar means that you can keep it years after years, it never gets outdated ! Perfect calendar to write down all your important date to keep in mind.

Cities of the year : Brest, Auray, Rennes, Saint-Malo, Vannes, Dinard, Morbihan, Carnac, Rhuys, Lorient, Belle Île and Quimper.

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We've designed 3 calendars including each 12 different cities. Wheter you use them to know the date or marking down all the birthdate of your family or firends, calendars are such a good decoration idea. Our perpetual calendars can be used over the years as they never gets outdated, you have no excuses for forgetting your grandmother's birthday now.